I use Microsoft Word's comment feature (Insert menu → Comment) frequently, both when I'm revising other people's work and when I'm working on something of my own and want to come back to it later. Annoyingly, in Word 2008 (the version I'm using) and presumably in Office 2011 as well, there's no keyboard shortcut listed. I finally did some research, and there is indeed a Mac shortcut for inserting a comment!
In Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac, the keyboard shortcut to insert a comment is: Command-Option-A (⌘-⌥-A). Why? I have no idea. On Windows, the insert comment shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+M, which makes just as little sense. Hope that helps!
thank for sharing
Piala Dunia 2014
Maybe the A is for Annotate? That would actually make more sense for the Word version to be the same (with the A)... unless it's supposed to mean Markup (M) for windows users.
Okehh ..
Thank you!! I edit student papers all the time, and this will really save me a lot of frustration. Have a great day!
thank you!! you just saved me a lot of frustration since i need to edit a document but for some reason the track changes tool bar isn't showing up on my computer.
thank you! so sick of doing it the long way!
Thank you so much for doing the research on this! I use this a hundred times a day at the moment!
well done.. thanks for posting, and no surprise, found your solution via google faster than the built in Word help.. eeesh.
Thanks. You're a life saver...well, maybe just an awesome time saver.
Thanks for sharing some wonderful tips.
I have been searching for days on this. Eternal thanks.
Thank you!!!!
this will really save me a lot of time. Good Job!
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