Monday, January 26, 2009

Domestic Violence Music Video

For my Luther College J-Term class, "Crisis Intervention: Interpersonal Violence" I made a music video on domestic violence and rape to Superchic[k]'s "Bowling Ball" and "Stand in the Rain" songs. I think this turned out very well. Filmed at Luther College and Oneota Lanes. Starring Liz Knight and Aaron Rosell, who wish to point out that they do not actually beat each other. Created by Daniel Flucke, with creative consultation from Matt Kalsow. Enjoy!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Who Am I Blacklight Video

Very cool video here of Casting Crowns' "Who Am I" shown to me by Katie D. I watched and I have to post it here...well worth watching...very cool idea.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I have a feeling Photosynth got a LOT of views today, because featured it on their front page. That's how I found it. did a really cool project where people could submit their digital photos of the Presidential Inauguration to cnn and the photos were assembled into an interactive 3D view thing. This really cool technology was powered by Photosynth, a project of Microsoft Live Labs, and is viewable at CNN's The Moment. After I saw and played with this for a while, I tried my own Synth, as Microsoft calls it. Sadly, the program only runs in Windows, but it works great using Parallels. Here's a tour of my dorm room...sorry for not having a more original topic, but it was available. Enjoy. Silverlight is required for viewing it on a Mac, or a PC without the software.

It's really easy to make these. All that's involved is taking a lot of pictures that overlap, then you just select the folder with the pictures, and tell the program to do its magic. Very neat technology. In addition to being very cool, I could easily see it being used to sell homes, etc. My results weren't quite what I was hoping for, with the photos I took of the chair in the middle of the room and some detail shots, especially of the Muse poster, but the basic circling the room worked pretty well.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Newsboys - Jody Davis is back!

Exciting Christian music news for today: Jody Davis is rejoining the Newsboys. Davis was part of Newsboys from 1993-2003, when he left to be with his daughter through her health issues. However, despite the return of Davis, Newsboys will remain a four person band as current guitarist Paul Colman will leave to continue his solo career.

I am excited that Jody Davis will be back with the band, especially since I am honestly not sure if I have ever seen him perform. I think the first time I saw Newsboys, back on the Adoration tour, he was still with them, but I am not certain. However, I am saddened that Paul Colman is leaving, as I really enjoyed seeing him as part of the band. Hopefully I will get to see his solo show sometime...Now, if only Phil Joel would rejoin Newsboys...

Official story is on Newsboys' Myspace page and their official website.